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Old 04-11-2006, 12:18 AM   #28 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by jr.
Well, I don't say much about what goes on between posters, because it's really none of my business. There seems to be a 'walking on eggshells' mentality these days.

I'll let you in on a little secret. I was a mod at another forum, for over a year. It was a music site, like this one, except the crowd was more my age.

As it grew, it got away from music more and more, and became a soap opera. I suppose the 'behind the scenes' fighting was more vicious than what was actually seen, given the animosity that grew there.

It got to the point that I dreaded going there, because all I did was delete and edit inappropriate posts. Then take a beating for it from the posters. I am not defending the mods, just trying to point out they were given the mod status for a reason.

There is clearly right, and clearly wrong. It's that gray area in between where the mods have the unenviable task of deciding what is ok to stay, and what, or who, has to go. It's a thankless job, because there will always be someone who is unhappy with how the mods handle any situation. Mods take on the responsibility because they like the site and want to see it prosper. At least that's why I accepted when I was asked to be a mod. I'll never do it again, though.

I don't know how the mods work here, but at the other music site, there was a lot of communication between the mods about what to do in any given situation. Of course, if someone registered and simply posted 100 inane posts in two days, there's no need to go discuss it. But then, there are those borderline things that need to be looked at.

Anyway, as I was saying, it got to the point where the mod bashing was out of control. It was starting to look like anarchy, so I just said, heck with this. I'm trying to make this place comfortable for everyone, and all I get is grief for it. So I left. Never went back.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think the reason for the lull is because people, mods and non-mods, are kind of feeling a little tension right now. It's like with any family. Spend too much time together, you start to get on one another's nerves.

I don't feel it, because I have no animosity towards anyone. Someone could come at me with a full frontal attack, and it wouldn't phase me. I learned my lesson when I was a mod.

Music Banter is supposed to be fun, not a battle zone.
I'm a mod in another site right now, it's great but noone apart from gets off their @rse to do stuff. I come up with new ideas and they say yeah that's cool and disappear for 5 days and make no action.
I think this site is good but the people here just argue way too much for arguing sake. It's not fun to be in here. I came back to compare it to our site and frankly if my mods, management got off their butt it would be a huge site.
I guess you need to break it off. I came back after 2 months and found this site to be just the same, just as boring and just as rude.
New ideas would be helpful but also you need to start banning people...
Maybe starting with me

You guys also ban the wrong people, you ban the people who make decent and nice posts but anyway..
If anyone needs any ideas then I'll try to help if you ask for it.
Maybe others needs to think of ideas too so it's a group mod-poster thingy,
blah.. lol
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