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Old 04-10-2006, 05:36 AM   #21 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
If there's something wrong with the gas canister or the airbag lining then maybe. Sometimes its safer to not have airbags and to make sure that all passegers hold inflated beach-balls in front of their faces at all times. They may look stupid but IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE.
Dying of a crushed face doesn't appeal to me.
I don't actually drive, but on occasions take a taxi. The weekly shopping etc...that kind of thing.
I usually sit in the back seat (I know most don't have airbags in the back, especially black cabs), but my biggest fear is of dying an ironic death...I'd never live it down.
However, in future I will be carrying a deflated beach-ball at all times.
Though the taxi driver will have to wait while I inflate it before commencing the journey.
I may look stupid, but this is serious business.

Thanks for the advice.
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