Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle
I was being a little more general
you've got the whole setup comprised of separate components, all originally individual from each other. Specific hardware and discs (already of source of great awe) only compatible with the right stuff. Somehow this disc, a completely flat little thing, where so much information is housed a projected onto a screen. Then we can interact with remotely with plugged in device that can literally make any movement in any direction and any distance anywhere with this joystick, probably impossible to ever make the same exact move more than once. I could go on but that's still pretty wild to me but I'm just a huge idiot.
Imagine how it would blow your mind to contemplate how the modern controller even developed. Like, not even the
modern modern controller. Like just wrap your head around how we got to the NES controller which was overnight the modern controller. That was some **** and it is awesome.