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Old 01-21-2020, 11:07 AM   #6731 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Tfw you figure out the reason you've been getting headaches and have a gnarly cough is because of a cracked oil filter housing in your vehicle. Going back to the first time I had to fill my coolant reservoir, and not knowing why, it was around this time last year. Then back in October or so, I discovered a leak and after some research deduced that it was the oil filter housing, which is a known issue from using plastic where the housing meets the manifold. I had to wait until after the holidays to spend the money on the repairs, and I finally got it done by my friend for cheap. The dam thing is sandwiched between the upper and lower intake manifolds, so you have to take the entire top of the motor off to get to it.

I had been breathing in a mixture of both motor oil and engine coolant for almost a year. Not good. It's only been a few days and I'm already feeling like things are clearing up in my lungs, nose, and throat.

The job was done in a few hours and I drove very slowly and baby'ed it for a couple days to give the new gaskets some time to seal properly. Then, when I felt it was ok to give it some gas and drive like normal it wouldn't go over 50 without jittering and feeling like it needed an alignment really bad, which it didn't. So, after a few angry calls to my buddy, and then taking it back to his garage, we decided the ABS system was acting up because he never reset the sensors. This thing is basically one huge computer so it just needed to reboot. I disconnected the positive cable and went and messed around, then came back about 40 minutes later, reconnected it and voila. I know I warped those rotors before I figured it all out too, which sucks because those were brand spanking new. The left side was glowing red at one point though, and that's where it all clicked. I still have a thin layer of coolant and oil on the inside of my windshield I need to clean off.

What a cluster ****.
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