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Old 01-13-2020, 08:57 PM   #1392 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
To go back to calling someone blind being okay but retard being iffy I think it's because blind people are just sort of normal people who can't see but the mentally challenged are thought of sort of like dogs: lovably child like and perceived to be happy and friendly and it makes us feel good to treat them nicely. It's why I can kick a blind person but I can't kick a retard or a puppy.
That justification is iffy. That comparison must offend Blind ppl, I just think it hasnt caught up yet. The thing that ****s me up is that we need these comparisons, its natural to equate a mistake to a defiency. However, alot of the common expressions we use take things to an extreme, for exmpl, lets say someone doesnt hear what you say, why say "what are you, deaf?" Instead of "can you not hear well?"
Why hold on to a term or expression that our progressive society is trying to weed out cus its hurtful?

I dont like the idea of policing language but above my own comfort there are sone terms or words that could be reformed because they set the tone for conversations. Mind you we'll all end pansies talking like our therapist wants us to talk, talking about "well i feel that your words are not taking into consideration my feelings" but isnt that the whole point? That our societly should aspire to that lvl of sophistication and civility?
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