Originally Posted by WWWP
I am pro cutting sandwiches/toast. It starts as a kid, cutting pb&j's in triangles so you dont make a mess of your face. You gotta cut a grilled cheese so you can dip it in your soup, and you gotta cut your toast so you can dip it in your oatmeal. I have to ask to have hamburgers cut in half for me at diners and stuff because a) my baby hands cant manage the whole thing and b) the second half usually goes in a go-to box.
Ive never had issues getting pbj all over my face or unable to dip a sandwich into soup because its not cut in half. Also, toast dipped in oatmeal sounds weird.. hrmm
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Except that pasta can be baked after it's boiled, genius.
Except after its boiled its already ready to it and does not need to be baked.. baking is not part of the process to turn the dough into pasta like it is for bread. gtfo