Originally Posted by OccultHawk
I think he’s gotten worse. Also, I’ve been trying to move in the other direction. Admittedly, with limited success.
That's cool. But why tho? I think you been fine the way you are.
Yea, he seems a bit worn out and maybe he's overreaching now just to get some amusement outta this forum. He's been here awhile now. Still, i dont like to over analyze the dude cus it feels very intrusive and honestly im cool with the way he is but i get where you coming from.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
My dad was super personable socially. He was very popular with people but inside our home he was a monster. Idk if that’s a normal thing or what.
Fck, this hits so close to home it hurts.
My father fcked up my childhood to point i made it my goal in life to never lash out and be like him so i swallowed all that hurt which caused me alot of internal harm. I escaped deep into drugs and other bad habits, it really fcked me up and i don't think im quite over it and fuuuuck im opening up way too much now.. But on a related note, this song
The only lyrics in it
"People must be left alone
Unless they have a happy home"