^ Well said, Marie.
I can't pretend to understand what you are going through, Lucem, so please feel free to disregard the following if it doesn't fit your real circumstances:-
I know that people like you on MB - and hanging out with people who like you might help you to unlearn this:-
I guess when you spend your whole life being taught to hate yourself you just feel an unshakable existential guilt that not even weird 80s dance music can cure.
Without being aware of it, parents and teachers routinely dole out guilt to children; the adults don't see the impact of what they're saying and the children are too vulnerable or young to defend themselves against it. One antidote to an acquired feeling of guilt from figures of authority might be to trust more in the judgement of your peers, the people who know you and like you, instead.
Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
I went to a bar in downtown SLC playing 80s new wave and then we went to a goth club that was also playing 80s new wave. I got really drunk but none of the alcohol or the music could mask my anxiety and depression. I've been going back into a downward mood swing and I just can't escape the, I guess, ptsd thoughts. The feelings of loneliness, self pity, extreme anxiety and guilt.
^ May I make a comment about the bolded, Lucem? You know that alcohol is a depressant that (despite initial euphoria) causes exactly those kinds of negative feelings, right? I'd suggest trying to move away from that "short up, long down" cycle that drinking can induce.
On the topic of suicide, I don't feel very comfortable about giving advice online, but people here are interested about you Lucem: people do care, to the extent that that is possible on the internet. Stay strong, keep writing. I believe that many anxieties can be alleviated by communication and discussion; even if the discussion may not throw up an actual solution, the process itself can be helpful.