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Old 12-27-2019, 06:57 PM   #20117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
"I aLsO lIkE gOoD dEbAtE pArTnErS"

Dude, you lost the debate. What the **** are you talking about? They had you talking in circles around yourself. They made you look like a fool. The fact that you're pretending it never happened and they are the ones that sucked makes you look like an even bigger fool. The fact that we all know you don't actually give a flying **** about the issue and are arguing for the sake of arguing makes you like an even bigger fool. Especially because you back peddled your whole stance into "Well, I agree, but I just find it creepy."

Man, STFU and take your L with dignity.
... Try literally ended the debate by trying to correct me in something that has been established on page 1

After I had answered every other point they tried to raise

I only agreed it's not necessarily "the end of the world..." But that i thought it was having a negative affect. Something else I acknowledged on page 1. You guys just apparently don't know how to ****ing read.
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