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Thread: What if?
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Old 04-09-2006, 02:12 AM   #149 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track
When I was a kid I would buy one 7" single a week. It's all I could afford.
I would play that piece of vinyl constantly and always go back to it.
When I bought an album with the sleeve notes etc, it became a prize possession.
Now all I have to do is download from a P2P and have anything I want.
A vast amount of my music exists on my hard drive (stuff I've got lately and the stuff I've ripped from my existing cd collection).
It's just not the same anymore.

Forget has the internet affected music?
Better or worse?
I would prefer downloading my 7"s off the internet than buying one off eBay for 1000 dollars if i'm lucky enough to actually find it, see bands that produce 100 pressings of a single in the 70s then disappear don't tend to turn up on your doorstep, or your local record store in this case. In saying this I go down to the local record store every weekend and have a look around. So internet has affected music in a good way for me. Without it most of the obscure music I listen to I would never have.
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