Originally Posted by elphenor
mothers should be paid by the state just to be good mothers...provided we aren't overthrowing capitalism
(Assuming they would prefer it to state provided childcare)
we can argue whether growing the economy is what we want when it just means the destruction of the planet
but nothing adds value like raising a kid
that's what gets on my nerves about people getting bent out of shape about "welfare queens" besides the obvious racial connotation
the welfare Queen thing is real though
I know this will land in deaf ears but I knew many people growing up who abused welfare and treated their kids as another paycheck
My own family abused the system
My friends family abused the system
The system is designed so that working is punished and having extra kids is rewarded. That's a terrible incentive structure. People work under the table just to not disrupt their benefits. People have kids knowing this can bring in more money.
I don't disagree in spirit that raising kids right is a definite service to society worth paying for... I'm just unsure how you would ensure the money is actually going to fund kids being raised right in any effective way.