Originally Posted by elphenor
when Im walking home this chonky boy runs up on me because stupid owner doesn't put him on a leash
first time I thought I was actually gonna get mauled, all those things I heard mentioned about scaring off a wild dog start running through my head
I've been attacked.
Just last week while walking to work there were two big ass dogs with no owner around following and barking at me. I just pretended they weren't there.
Same thing happened once when I was in Idaho except the dogs started biting at the back of my pants.
Way too often do I find my self in this situation and it's gotten me paranoid to the point where when it happened again last week I started having a panic attack and breathing problems while they were following me.
Even worse is the fact that these two dogs could easily run into the busy street and get hit all because the dumb bitch owner. I've seen way too many dog corpses laying in gutters. One time I was going for a walk at night and ran into a big ass pitbull corpse just laying in the middle of the sidewalk.