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Old 12-13-2019, 10:45 AM   #1153 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy View Post
An issue I’ve found with this is that, at least where I live, Spanish is not even offered until like 8th grade at the earliest. I think that’s too late. A foreign language is required to graduate high school, but all that most people do is take the bare minimum to graduate and then forget basically everything after high school. I’m one of those people too, even. There’s quite a bit more even to my journey with foreign languages...ugh..., but the point is that it needs to be introduced at a younger age. The research overwhelmingly suggests that learning a language is easier when you start as young as possible too
that and the entire class structure of learning a language sucks ass

You learn through conversations/watching movies/listening to music in that language.

That's why moving to a place where they speak a different language is the fastest way to learn a language.

But I've heard of studies that suggest learning a 2nd language is cognitively beneficial beyond just being able to speak it, so I would agree with teaching kids English and Spanish side by side. But like batlord said the rednecks ain't having that **** anyway.
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