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Old 10-31-2019, 07:46 PM   #519 (permalink)
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So I just saw a video on YouTube saying norm MacDonald's show on Netflix is cancelled.

Then there's a clip of Joe rogan & Sam Harris taking about the Louis ck defense and how that got him in trouble...

I'll be honest. I don't think the Louis ck comments helped endear him to the right people at all. But the Netflix show was a bust. I'm a huge fan of his and I've only seen a few episodes cause it's just boring run of the mill late-night interview type ****.

The real travesty is that he ditched his podcast/YouTube show, pulled all the episodes off YouTube in order to pursue this Netflix deal. Now it's a bust and he wants go back to podcasting but can't cause his contract with Netflix prevents him.

Should've stuck with the old show. Trying to bring it to a wider audience via Netflix was the biggest mistake he'll ever make.
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