Originally Posted by Frownland
You're the only one posting dissertations about comedians to respond to, really. Most of us are just posting clips. That's because REAL comedy fans don't try to deconstruct comedians because it tends to lessen the humour in the process.
nigga pls
I explained what I found brilliant about his special cause I felt like it and cause I actually like the special
If you have nothing but clips to add then do you... I mean that's REAL
Then I'll explain: vindictiveness drove the content of his jokes that he meant to be funny. Two non-conflicting concepts existing in harmony.
once again we're back where we started
No, vindictiveness (defined by Google as as strong or unreasoning need for revenge) didn't drive those jokes at all
To the extent that he "responded" to the backlash it was by not deciding to avoid certain topics altogether to avoid controversy. He said nothing hateful, nothing mean spirited, nothing bent on revenge