Originally Posted by Chula Vista
I just think 'society' is a cliche at this point. I remember society being go to church, work hard in school, marry someone from the opposite sex, buy a house with a white picket fence, spit out some kids. Dad brings home the bacon and mom cooks it up in a pan.
Society got blown up in the 60s and 70s. 2019: Same sex marriage is everywhere. People can get by without cars. Pot is mostly legal. Suburbia, once a pretty black and white place, is now a Crayola 64 pack. Every decent sized city has ethic pockets where you could hang out and not even know you were in the US.
Yep, time changes some things, for instance what a typical job or typical family looks like, but the idea remains the same
Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
^ Yes, Marie. If you want to take a significantly different route, it can take a lot of courage, but one of the nice things about modern Western society is that it does allow for many variations from the norm. In Britain the big city centers are more used to the unusual and many young people drift there and hopefully find kindred spirits. Some lifestyles mean making sacrifices; relocating/finding new friends/being excluded from some jobs, etc. But here's a very uplifting book about a pioneer determined to be his own person against the odds. It's an easy-to-read autobiog and has been made into a film too. Both carry a 4-star Lisna recommendation.

Cool! There are definitely alternatives, although they are probably very difficult to achieve, and I feel like people should not give up finding one that suits them if they want something different. I guess there isn't really much to lose, if you feel like a normal life is impossible for you