Originally Posted by jwb
I never finished Dexter. Quit in the 6th season. Got boring. Parts of that show really annoyed me too.
Like he's somehow damaged enough by one childhood trauma to have an insatiable bloodlust yet his dad can train him to hone it within the limits of some sort of conventional morality.
"Harry. The code. Harryyyyy"
Also his dedication to his wife he wasn't even intimate with. Somehow it's just a strategic move to have a wife and kids as a serial killer to"blend in." Cause obviously if you're a serial killer, gone long hours of the night, the one thing you need in your life is a nagging wife you don't love wondering where you've been. Plus Dexter just strikes me as gay or asexual in general.
It was an entertaining show in its right... But yea certain aspects annoyed me throughout.
If I'm being honest, I don't think I've ever cried over a pet. Last two things I can remember crying over irl were a breakup at 24 or so and before that, being sent to live with my dad (being separated from my mom) at age 13.
Certain movies will make me cry. Top one that comes to my mind is La Vita E Bella.
Season 6 was pretty god awful but the season after that was my fav one. Dexter was inconsistent as **** but tops when it was good, and the very concept was about as realistic as superhero comics so you kinda just had to go with it. A sociopathic serial killer with a heart of gold simply requires suspension of disbelief.