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Old 10-11-2019, 08:53 PM   #3 (permalink)
pain's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by MarieMarie View Post
Welcome! So you draw, that's cool. What kind of stuff? What are some of your favourite bands/musicians?
Thank you! I typically draw fantasy-based things, mythical creatures and that type of thing. Nerdy, I know, but the first things I ever started drawing were dragons so I think the inspiration just stayed with me. I enjoy mentally inventing new species of animals and fleshing those out on paper, too.

Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Welcome to MB!
You must really love bread.
What are some bands you enjoy?
I'm hoping this is a joke about "pain" being French for bread, and not some other obvious joke I'm missing. Thank you for welcoming me!

To answer both you and MarieMarie: My music taste doesn't have very much consistency, if I'm being entirely honest. I have been a fan of Lana Del Rey (I know, she's sort of a laughing stock in the alternative music scene, but I feel attached to her work) for quite some time, and I'd say I own more content and merchandise of her than of any other artist. I've also really got into Grimes and CocoRosie, and a bit of Bjork's work (not just saying that for ~indie~ points, her and CocoRosie have worked with a lot of the same musicians) these past few years. I'm also really into the rap group Metro Zu lately, and the musicians within there (Ruben Slikk would be my favorite) although I wouldn't say I'm an expert on rap or anything.

Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post

Jump into the music threads
Thank ya!
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