Most people who go in debt for college at this point have to know their degree will never pay off. They’re trading their future to have a youth worth living. Everyone knows that once you start working full time you’re no longer living an existence worth carrying on with but your DNA makes you. I don’t blame kids for going $80,000 under for their history or journalism or whatever degrees. One year being 20 is worth thirty years of being 50. A large income isn’t even an escape unless it’s large enough to allow you to not have to work at all. You can make $300,000 a year but if you work 48 weeks a year it’s still a life of misery. And for most people it’s just work work work almost all the time. They don’t read books. They come home exhausted and then do stupid chores. Once people hit 40 and especially 50 they’ve often lost battles to alcohol or other drugs and more and more people overdose, blow their brains out, abuse their children, treat people like ****, suicide by cop or if you’re lucky retire at 65 when your bones are already brittle, sex sucks, and you’re weak af. So of course any reasonable person is going to live life in their twenties when the living is good. You’re trading in a worthless future anyway.