Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
No ones demanding you survive. Im demanding you deal with the situation in the best way you know how, and your stomping your feet screaming "i dont wanna". O well, thats the situation youre in, you deal or you dont.
Literally we are demanded to survive without our consent or else humankind would die.
It's important for sex and not existence because we dont decide who we bring into existence... What a far fetched analogy.
We literally do decide who we bring into existence. There are no storks carrying Marios. There are only people who choose to have sex. If you are the product of rape then I apologize. But your father probably still decided something.
I swear to god you are probably very smart in clinical ways but you have the imagination of a ****ing accountant. Reminds me of Adolf Eichmann tbh. Couldn't understand why what he'd done was evil cause he couldn't think outside of his society's expectations.