Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
Cool. Then get out. Inform yourself about your alternative options that you do consent to and leave. You have all the information in the world at your finger tips via the internet, naivety is not an excuse.
If you're kidnapped, taken into a white van, tied up, blindfolded, and then dropped into the middle of a forest you have no familiarity with and no survival skills is it reasonable to ask the person to survive or is it cruelty?
Or does it become acceptable if you teach the person how to build a fire?
Does it become acceptable if you also teach the person to build traps for animals?
Does it become acceptable if you also teach the person which plants are edible?
At which point does it become acceptable to thrust a person into a position they have not consented to and demand that they survive?
Arguing that you didnt consent to existence is about the most unreasonable thing I could imagine.
Why is consent important for sex but not existence?