Originally Posted by jwb
I absolutely read what you said and thought i was responding to it. I just think we're using the word scarcity different. Because if it's a universal mindset then it follows you will never accumulate "enough." Enough is relative. So you are still motivated by the same basic drive. To earn more. To accumulate more. It's just the actual stakes of failure are less drastic as to go up the financial totem pole.
The stakes kinda sorta don't matter. Accumulation is an irrational instinct based on experiences we had when we were still worried about having enough food for the day as poo flinging apes. It's an instinct built over millions of years which a house or a substantial bank account do not satisfy because the instinct is too primitive to understand what those things are or that it is possible to have enough for any kind of extended period of time. You might as well tell that instinct that you've watched enough television because guess what, that instinct insists that you haven't watched enough television cause it doesn't understand what television is or even that there's a difference between television and food.