Originally Posted by The Batlord
I won't say I have the opposite, but my mother's not quite middle class life never interfered with me experiencing my larger family's middle class life, and it's ****ing boring. Yeah, financial stability seems great. Really ****ing great. I've seen enough of it to know that not having to worry whether you can justify this or that purchase is pretty nice and takes a lot of the edge off of life.
But that's literally all it does. It doesn't actually make your life more fulfilling. After the benefit of not worrying about your next paycheck it's just the opportunity for more distractions. You can take a vacation to distract yourself from the stress of life. You can do this or that activity to distract yourself. You can have a bigger house to distract yourself. You can have a painting in the hallway to distract yourself. You can have a bigger TV to distract yourself. But you're still a cluster****, your family is just as subject to you being a cluster****, and none of the distractions amount to any kind of culture that might warm your soul. It's just ****ty paintings in the hallway. Middle class life more than anything else is just ****ty paintings in the hallway. So many ****ty paintings in the hallway. A middle class home is just a doctor's office with beds.
And when your kids grow up they'll either recognize the empty paintings in the hallway and yearn for something authentic and become someone who wanta to see a gluegrass show even though they don't even listen to bluegrass or they'll just become soulless stockbrokers or something.
I've heard this complaint before. I'll just say... This is something that will always fall deaf on broke ears. "All it does is stop you from having to worry about finances." This is literally everything to someone struggling to keep their head above water. So to us all that **** about emptiness and lack of meaning sounds like people who have no actual problems and start inventing ****.
I know money doesn't buy happiness. But neither does poverty. At least money buys some other ****.