Originally Posted by The Batlord
I feel that. My mother came from a middle class background but is kind of a cluster**** and had a kid she couldn't afford and didn't know how to raise. She tried her ass off to get where she got and I respect how much someone so much like me achieved but honestly I think she wasn't served well by coming from such a middle class, gotta ****ing go to college to be considered a worthwhile human being background, because I don't think it was ever really her and it did a number on the kind of person she thought she should be.
Honestly I think the concept of the middle class sounds better than it is in real life. The human race has lived for thousands of years basically with haves and have nots but now we have a massive group of people who are essentially have nots who don't know how to be haves but who think that is the only way to be worthwhile, and the wasteful consumption mentality of capitalism is a fate they can't see that will ultimately lead them to what is slowly happening to them right now: a lessening of the middle class until the excesses of capitalism collapse in on themselves and we're left with the end of the Roman Empire.
I feel differently. It's a complex I've had most of my life. I went and visited my cousins and I could instantly see their lives were better. And they weren't even rich, just middle class. But i always sorta resented being denied that. Being evicted constantly. Going to dangerous schools. Getting jumped on the way home. Having ****ty clothes. Having crackheads break into my house and break my sister's piggy bank for the change inside. I resented it.
I still resent it. I hate poor people tbh.