Originally Posted by jwb
Reacting to PC trends goes back to Lenny Bruce, so they're no reason to draw the line at 2010.
This is still the kinda **** that gets you into actual controversy from time to time. Being edgy and dashing pc norms are basically the same thing. The only thing that changes is what's considered PC
His special is receiving nearly unanimous positive reception, so no I wouldn't call it edgy. He definitely tried though I'll give him that.
Originally Posted by jwb
there are plenty of lefty comics that I like. I like David cross in Mr show and arrested developement, I just also enjoy making fun of the disabled and the down trodden.
Bigger and Blackerer was good too but everything he's done since 2016 has been straight trash. Same style as earlier, just more reactionary and little actual humour behind what he's saying. Now who does that remind me of...