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Old 09-02-2019, 06:31 AM   #4806 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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OK, not as famous as most people who make their unenviable appearance in this thread, but this is a sad story about a Spanish singer/dancer who died on stage yesterday:-

A talented pop singer and dancer was killed when she was hit by a pyrotechnic device in front of her horrified fans. Joana Sainz, 30, was performing with Spain's Super Hollywood Orchestra when the stunt went horribly wrong and was captured on camera. A pyrotechnic cartridge exploded into the singer's stomach - leaving her fatally injured - as about 1,000 spectators watched the performance during a weekend fiesta in the small town of Las Berlanas, north-west of Madrid. The curtain was quickly lowered after the injured woman fell to the floor, and she was tended to by paramedics and a doctor who happened to be in the crowd. The unconscious woman was taken off the stage and rushed to a local hospital, but she could not be saved.
I didn't find any Super Hollywood Orchestra music on Youtube and thb something tells me I wouldn't care for it if I did. But now is a good time to own up: which member of MB has their complete discography on vinyl?
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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