04-05-2006, 01:36 PM
#13 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,174
Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver
Sebster17 has got a point, I'm afraid. Compared to many other genres, its probably fair to say that punk does sound 'too much the same' or rather, the music stylings and the tones of the individual instruments and the selection of instruments used varies very little between different bands within the punk genre. Almost all of the bands comprise of drum-kit, clean bass (occasionally distorted, but usually clean), one or two guitars (distorted for most songs and played with either chugging chord/power-chords or mini-arpeggios or simple solos) and a singer or a couple of singers, singing at the high end of their normal, non-falsetto range. In terms of arrangements this is very samey, compared to most other genres.
There are differences between each band and most of the songs do sound different to an extent, but the differences only tend to exist within the already established confines of the genre. Yes, this is why its called a 'genre' and probably if many changes occured the music would fall into a different genre, but the music still does sound more samey than a lot of other genres.
(I'm not including Ska-punk in this though!)
Hey you. How about you go and listen to The Cramps then listen to The Pop Group then listen to Black Flag then listen to Suicide. Feel free to hear how wrong you are.