Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
^ Yes, these kinds of swindles go on all the time, and I really don't like them. The thing most valuable to a working guy is his time: everyday he has a limited quantity of hours that he can sell, but as elph says, companies often want to steal some of that resource, so that the poor guy ends up giving to the rich guy. It really bugs me because it's so common and yet so immoral.
^ Problem of course is that if you don't go along with it, you may find yourself replaced by someone who will.
From my experience, the whole unpaid overtime scam usually begins by the boss saying, "We are very pleased with your work and would like to give you more responsibility...."
I was thinking this while I was washing dishes. Man, you’re ****ed no matter what. As I teacher I was ****ed. Unemployed I’m ****ed. Restaurant negro. ****ed. The only time in my life when I didn’t have glass ***** up my ass I was overseas. Your time is stolen. Your energy is stolen. Your sanity is stolen. Rich people kill thenselves. Poor people kill each other. Instead of investing in ourselves collectively we budget a military bigger than the next ten put together. Honest to God, if you don’t hate America you’re a ****ing fool. People wonder how could I want there to be a civil war or for Putin to knock us off the map. How could you ****ing not? We’re ruining the whole ****ing world. **** America.