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Old 04-04-2006, 09:26 PM   #101 (permalink)
nirvana hate activist :D
claudioismybitch's Avatar
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Location: DETROIT, MI
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i see true talent in music is someone who uses their instrument to it's fullest potential. and in acdc, a good example, the lead singer played no instrument, in the band at least. and he didn't have a good voice, if he did then he didn't use it.
and i'll give the credit to where it's due, and nirvana and pearl jam started the whole grunge rock era, tho i'm not a big fan of it, they did start it which led to some of the other genres which i enjoy today.
but seriously, listen to the words of their songs, they have no significant meaning and all of their songs sound like choruses........and the same.

you can have your opinion and thats cool, if you like that kind of music whatever, but they both really, really annoy me.
" you'll decide to answer when my fist swings hello."
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