Originally Posted by Vai Is God
For people maybe slightly more educated in theory, what's your favorite scale? Personally, I like Dorian#4 and Lydian. Sharping the 4 just adds a little bit of spontaniety, and just sounds amazing if you hit it in the right place.
Something about this question tickled me - possibly because the question seems both practical and absurd - so I thought I'd make a similar post.
1. What's your favourite key? Do you prefer major, or minor, or those funny dorian modes or something else entirely?
2. What's your favourite tempo?
3. What's your favourite time-signature? Compound or simple (that means swing or straight)
4. Which of these terms:
a) Plagal cadence
b) Neapolitan sixths
c) Transposition
Do you understand musically?
Ok, you certainly don't have to answer 4, even if you know the answer. I'll give my input a bit later on, got to run at the moment...