Originally Posted by jwb
Ok so communism is global. So I guess that applies to the anarchist version too, even though it's sorta impossible for me to imagine a global anarchist order.
But then do you honestly believe the entire world is gonna be converted at once? Wouldn't living in a commune be more equitable than a low wage corporate job, and help you at least learn things about managing that kind of dynamic more than continuing to punch a clock will?
In other words... Are you sure that a better path to your goal doesn't involve trial and error and leading by example rather than getting completely immersed in Marxist theory while continuing to live by punching a clock or collecting a salary?
What goal? They dont have goals.. They just sit here complaining about stuff and how things should be with no consideration for how the world actually works or attempts to make change in the areas their societal positions allow them to affect. It's a dog and pony show... no better than our presidential candidates.