Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
Oh, I know. Which is sad because I'm one of the only people that won't make fun of you for working fast food as if my scruples are real and not just for show. It's honestly really bothered me when I see other people do it.
You bring it on yourself when you take throwaway comments I make and take them seriously like this:
It's a cultural and racial slur implying that white people don't belong in hip hop. Let me make this clear for you. You are not hip hop. You don't belong in hip hop, you don't respect hip hop and you don't represent hip hop in any way. The fact that either of you have the gall to think you can speak for a culture that you are not a part of is far more disrespectful and exploitative than anything I've done.
How could I not **** with you? Or that whole goofy Captain America argument that I wasn't even aware you were taking seriously at first cause why the **** would anybody take that conversation seriously? It's like you have zero irony awareness.