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Old 05-21-2019, 12:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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I'm seeing The Who tonight. My friend has a ticket and asked if I wanted to go. I've never seen them and they're playing right down the street, so what the heck. It's gonna be a bit chilly and overcast at an outdoor venue, but that can't be any worse than some of the conditions I've disc golfed in, right? Right.

I've never quite gotten into the whole 'thing' they do, but I can dig some Pete windmill action. I did that to my old Decca guitar back when I was (more of) an idiot in HS. I did the windmill then grabbed the guitar by the headstock and smashed it into the ground while yelling some gibberish in a cockney accent.

I need to relive some a that.

I'm quite easily impressed, as you can see.
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