Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg
The ****? You cry like a bitch at ****ty comic book characters like Twiztid but you can't appreciate actual comics? No wonder you can't grasp the understated majesty of Captain America. ****ing juggalos are aesthetically retarded.
LOL, you sure do love to project.
Speaking of projection, I just find your reasons for adoring Cap to be the most ironically bull**** things to fall out of your mouth. You like him for being the optimistic shining example of purity and goodness but anytime anybody shows any bit of optimism you try to **** on it and tear it down to bring it to your level of miserable pessimism. Because you project. Just as you're projecting by calling me juggalo or aesthetically retarded.
I'm sorry for ****ting on one of the few pleasures you get from life by having my own personal perspective. Lets just point out the fact that the only other person who's on your side is a nationalist person that continuously expresses racist and xenophobic ideals that the conservatives hold dear. That is not a coincidence. Lets also consider the fact half of every argument on stupid subjective things is you blubbering about the other being an idiot before we talk about crying. Reach deep down to create a character flaw to justify differing opinions, just stinks of insecurity.