In my journey of frustration I have discovered your community...and I so hope you can help me sleep by identifying this beautiful yet now hateful song I have in my head!
I think it's from around 2004. The lyrics are in chinese...I think but it's got a kind of choir in there. I had thought it was from the house of Flying Daggers film but a search of the soundtrack and I can't find it. It starts of slow, almost operatic - really high pitched but gentle female vocals...and it gradually builds up to this almost tribal singing like a choir and is fast at that point. At this part the lyrics are kind of like..."hey de mar de mar heda de mara mar, HEY de mar de mar lenon demen mar!' gradually getting louder and more full of energy. and then it ends really sad and quiet. I have no idea what it was actually about but it's the kind of sing you feel.
I was so sure it was part of house of Flying Daggers and was in the scenes where they were fighting or she was doing the big echo dance.
I so hope you can help. Or at least have a laugh at my terrible phonetic translation of the lyrics !