My best friend back east since I was 14 and my old boss out here of many years are both alcoholics. Both have been sober for decades. Both were part of the 'circle' that were inches from a full blown intervention and both have almost made me feel a little guilty for not "quitting the right way" because I'm not doing AA.
Disclaimer: I get that AA (like religion) works for many many people, and is/was a huge part of them getting through their days. Good on them. I also get that AA doesn't always work the first time but often the message will sink in and straighten folks up.
This is just kind of funny. Or sad.
On my 100th day I called them both to check in. The guy back east admitted that he use to always go to meetings at first while buzzed, and the dude here admitted that on his 30th day sober (AA gives you a token as a 'reward' for the milestone) he went out and celebrated with a bottle.
Once my buddy straightened out he had other sober dudes at meetings tell him they use take spots sitting next to him so they could get off on his booze odor.
“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”