Originally Posted by Fluff
His family do not approve.
I'm only interested in it because I want to see how much of the film shows Birmingham and the places in it that inspired the books but I have read the Wikipedia page and although it says it is focused on his early life, Birmingham is not mentioned once which is disappointing.
His early life? So basically they didn't want to have a movie prominently featuring an old person? **** that. The thing I find most fascinating about Tolkien is how throughout his whole life he was so enamored with his hobby of inventing an entire universe that he never even completed it. He just wrote and wrote and wrote and changed things and changed things and changed things to an extent that LOTR beyond The Hobbit and the trilogy have an aspect of obsessed outsider art. If there's going to be a movie about Tolkien than I'd want it to explore all of that and how it integrates with him as a person.