04-24-2019, 05:12 PM
#3 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dirty Souf Biatch
Posts: 22,006
Originally Posted by Belbow
Hello fellow musicians!
Im in trouble with a song im writing. Its a simple song with 4 chords. C - F - Am - G. Now theres a key change that goes to Cm in the Chorus. I Can go straigt to Cm which gives a cool feel, but I’m looking for a cadence that takes it there a bit more naturally. So i was wondering about the theory behind making a shift from minor to major and vice versa in the same key. Hope someone Can help me!
I have tried to bridge it with a progression like: G - C - Dm - Em - F - G - Cm
I dont know much about Music theory, so maybe not use too many Big words ;-)
- belbow
C minor