Originally Posted by Frownland
I don't view predictability as a challenge to free will. Evidence: Mathgod knew I was going to say that.
Alright let's take this post you made in the Free Will thread.
Originally Posted by Frownland
In order for an action to be cancelled it must either be mathematically predictable, which cancels out free will, or it must be decided essentially by a random number generator, which also cancels out free will because then no decision is being made. You're simply a victim of literal chaos. You're a ship adrift on an ocean with no engine, no oars, no sail, no rudder, and the ocean isn't even an ocean because the movement of water is defined by math so it's nothing more than an abstract nothingness where anything and everything are possible. There is no middle ground where free will is allowed to exist.
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
So where does math come in when Im bound to eat a bowl of pasta and have to pick between bowties or elbows?
Well if it's complex and seemingly frivolous then clearly no math is involved.