Originally Posted by elphenor
no I mean like he works in the oil field
is gone 2 weeks
woman is pretty suggestively mentioning it to me
she asked about my nails
and what it's really about is wanting to corrupt this Texas darling
Originally Posted by elphenor
I get the feel she's never been on the St Mary's strip (punk district) despite being a Bernie Sanders supporter
and she said there'd be nothing wrong with her going out there with me...
Even I got to say it: LOSER
(and keep your ban hammer in your goddamn pocket wolf - it’s for his own good)
elph - as someone who actively participated in real punk rock scenes on the tail end of punk back when it was really a thing
The same **** sucked about punkism and hippydom before it: young people throwing their lives away
It’s not romantic or poetic or punk it’s not luminescent sorrow
It’s just stupid - when you die (probably an overdose and everyone says it’s sad I’m going to say **** you for hurting everyone that cared about you)
that goes to all my dumb dead ****ing friends - i piss on your graves you selfish ****s
Fake drugs
Fake punk scene
Hella fake feminist
Probably predictably I don’t care if you **** your friend’s girl
I don’t think that’s that big of deal seeing how women aren’t property
What I think is ****ed is that you think she’s something she’s not and you think you have some kind of depth that she lacks -
You’re a sexist *******