Music Banter - View Single Post - Album Club 2019: Boston - Boston
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Old 03-26-2019, 10:43 AM   #3 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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This was one of the first records I ever heard. I remember sitting on the floor of my childhood home and going through my dads records and coming across this because I was six and it had spaceships and I thought I was Spaceman Spiff. Six year old me loved this record. Adult me does not and I don't even buy them anymore when they inevitably come into the shop. The're just always beat up from six year old kids like me of present day who don't know how to use a turntable and scratch the sh*t out of their dads records. Still, this was the beginning of my musical journey and I appreciate it for that.

Not a good album. Sounds dated and boring now but I will say that "Foreplay/Long Time" is still a f*cking jam and I'll rock that sh*t once in a while.


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