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Old 02-25-2019, 06:36 PM   #22786 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Originally Posted by Exo View Post


So there's two reasons why I really wanted to see this film and I'm surprised it took me so long...

1. I love Jim Jarmusch
2. I grew up next to Paterson.

Beautiful film. At first I couldn't stop looking at the scenery and figuring out where in the city they were and how accurately they portrayed where I grew up. They pretty much filmed gorilla style. Nothing looked staged or out of place. As the movie progressed I started to just REALLY fall in love with the story and characters. It's a very simple and laid back film, like most Jarmusch films tend to be, and I appreciated the anti-conflict that Jarmusch adds to his films. There were so many times I expected something bad to happen but the film just stayed so positive and beautiful the whole time. It allows you to focus on the characters instead of constantly having your emotions pulled away. You get to sit with them and literally observe their lives as they happen. Very beautiful film that enjoyed for a number of reasons.

Very slow, very chill, very simple.

So ****ing beautiful.

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