Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
I was just asking what is biased about my junkie argument, since you insist that it is.
I mean we already had that discussion ad nauseum and I'm not really interested in restarting it tbh. I only brought it up as an example because you asked about you having bias in general.
I'm glad we agree.
Calling them bad catholics doesnt make them less catholic, unless you want to argue on behalf of the scotsman.
Again, Papal infallibility. If you disagree with or criticize the Pope then you are a bad Catholic. Catholics are expressly not allowed to disagree with the Church. In past centuries people would be excommunicated or burned at the stake for it but I imagine the Church realizes that this would be a non-starter in this day and age so Catholics have been given a level of unofficial autonomy not through doctrine but through pragmatism.
My grandfather is Catholic af but is a conservative who condemns the current Pope as a socialist and I'd say that makes him a bad Catholic.