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Old 02-11-2019, 01:20 PM   #11712 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
okay ignore art.. crocheting is pure mindless tedium until your quilt is done.. waste of life?

on the flip side, if grinding requires mental focus in the form of monsters having abilities that require you to pay attention or an in depth crafting system that requires decision making and mechanical precision do you still think it's a waste of time?

I'm not picking at your life decisions, I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind your seemingly arbitrary double standards.
My definition of grinding is that it's mindless. Like killing the same easy mobs over and over in the same way for exp. If it requires mental effort, it's not what I'd consider grinding. I also don't consider it a double standard, as what you do when you grind works differently mentally. Reward schedules and exploitation of Pavlovian responses. Basically the same psychology that games like Farmville exploit, and yeah, I do consider Farmville a horrible waste of time.

I assume crocheting requires some fine motor skills and it certainly occupies less of your mind when you're able to do it on auto pilot, than a game would. You're looking at the screen, absorbing information, reacting to it - even if on a very, very basic level that requires no effort. I deadens thought where crocheting would be something you could do while having more concentrated thoughts. To me, grinding is like unplugging yourself for a while. Like a sort of temporary death (hyperbole, but gets a point across). It takes you away from the real world and this feeling that you want to keep going until the next meter goes "ping!" has power over the mind in a sort of bad and unconstructive way. You'll hate me saying this, but I think that it's very possible that, given some years, you will come to agree with me and quit certain kinds of games. Many change their gaming habits when they've spent enough years doing the same **** over and over.

I also don't even do crocheting, so it's not like I feel like I should have to defend it.
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