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Old 02-11-2019, 12:06 PM   #11704 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg View Post
TBH it sounds like Mic is oblivious to atmosphere. Might explain why he's oblivious to cringe in music. And why he doesn't like horror movies.
I don't know why you would think that. I ramble on about the atmosphere of albums, movies and games all the time.

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
What do you mean by escapism? Are you anti-lifeskills in video games?
In response to both of you on this one: What I don't do is living myself into other worlds. You know, that whole thing about pretending you're an elf in a magical land so you don't have to deal with real life. Nothing wrong with that at all, but I don't play games for that.

I like games that are either more about visceral in the moment action that puts you in a state of heightened awareness. Getting into that zone where you press buttons really fast without even thinking about your actions. Just reacting instead of using your intellect in a more explicit way.

The other approach to games that I really enjoy is basically a sort of opposite of that. Games that put you in a very intellectually aware state of mind, where you are all engrossed in solving problems, playing wisely, observing how things work, etc.

Something like Skyrim, for example, is far too little of either and is designed more for wandering around, feeling like you're there, and that's not really my thing. Not anymore, that is. I've played all sorts of things over the years. I just decided that certain things were more worth my time than others. If I'm gonna spend times on video games at all, it has to be in a way that gives me something back that I value. Not just killing time.

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
Crafting, gathering, stealing, herding, gardening, etc.. non-combat skills that people enjoy.

When you say escapism I think people escaping life via an online character and a lot of times that is linked to opening your own shop, playing the marketplace, or roleplaying.
About the life-skills thing: It's video games. If you need to justify them to yourself by pretending they'll teach you to run a businenss IRL or something, you're doing it wrong. But I actually just don't really think I understand why you brought that up, so maybe set me straight if I'm not following your train of thought.
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