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Old 02-10-2019, 01:37 PM   #27322 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
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Visited Copenhagen this weekend, so I made sure to swing by a couple of my favorite record stores over there and got a few things. Most of these albums were unknown to me in advance. I took a lot of chances. Still haven't heard most of the CDs I bought.

Little Boots - Hands

Some simple but nice sounding pop. Pretty punchy and catchy. The first track is a lot of fun especially.

Sandra Bernhard - Excuses For Bad Behaviour Part 1

Further looking in to this tells me she's actually a comedian more than a musician. That explains the tendency towards spoken word on this disc. But there's still a lot of music here - spanning a lot of different styles and often sounding like a kinda interesting hodgepodge of mid 90's alt and pop stylings - and she's got an unusual singing voice too. The other few CD's she has done seems to be straight up comedy routines, so I probably won't get any of them. A bit disappointing, really, because I like her as a musical artist so far.

Dicte - Gone to Texas & This is Cool

Got two CDs with Dicte, a Danish singer/songwriter. Last time I visited those record stores, I got one of her albums on the cheap as an experiment. I liked that one enough that I wish I'd gotten a few more, so I made sure to bag a couple this time.

Juliette lewis - Four on the Floor

It was cheap and I was curious what on Earth famous/badass acress Juliette Lewis was soing fronting a rock band. Turns out it's at least pretty decent. Starts out with a couple simple rockers that didn't impress me, but the songwriting changes between some styles after that and there's some quite neat songwriting happening here. She's got a good voice for rock music and the band is energetic. Not bad.

Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I Lay My Head

Staying with the actress-making-music theme, I also got this one. I've heard some of it before and I remember it as being decent, if nothing mindblowing. Can't actually remember anything specific about the musical style or anything, so it's going to be interesting to give it another chance.

Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips - Fellow Workers

Already a fan of Ani, but I don't know who Utah Philips is. A folk singer, apparently. This is the second of two albums they made together and I'm quite curious to hear what's on this disc.

I got several more, but I guess I'm arbitrarily cutting off here.
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