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Old 02-09-2019, 03:10 PM   #315 (permalink)
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Nothing then can escape this black holes event horizon
Yes not even light. Something that’s repeated on every space documentary ever made.

However, if the rate of acceleration were greater than the gravitational pull of the black hole that object would indeed escape. . But nothing moves faster than light so that’s the ultimate in acceleration...unless we’re talking about the expansion of the universe.

I think your question is why was the matter allowed to escape if nothing can escape something that dense.

I think there’s two parts to answering that. 1) The language being used to describe the phenomenon is confusing. Black holes don’t have infinite gravitational pull or density. It’s just approaching infinite. And nothing doesn’t really mean nothing it just means nothing that we know of. 2) The rate of expansion of the universe isn’t beholden to the laws of physics because it’s not happening in space. It’s not happening inside the universe; it’s happening to the universe.

I also think part of your question hinges on what was happening or what existed before the Big Bang. That’s either an unknown or as absurd of a question as asking someone what they were doing before they were conceived (sittin in my daddy’s nutsac bitch). But energy comes from matter and has no mass. They often say the entire universe was smaller than a single atom. But I think what escaped during the Big Bang was energy and not matter. I don’t think it’s possible that the energy was in the form of photons because of the wave particle duality.

Sorry for all the “I thinks” but I need the qualifier

I ain’t saying “I know”

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