Music Banter - View Single Post - Nils Frahm's Recorded Music vs Live Music
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Old 02-01-2019, 12:43 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 2
Default Nils Frahm's Recorded Music vs Live Music

Hi all,

I'm a life long music lover and, I assume, that's the reason you're all here too! Normally music is a very personal thing but just lately I've been looking for a place to find some good discussion around music.

My first point I'd like to raise is the difference between Nils Frahm's live vs recorded music. I love both and he's my go to artist at the moment. However, the live music involves a lot more electronic music with more energy (can't really find examples on youtube, his recent tour is the best example). I was hoping that his latest release Encores 2 would offer something more of this but unfortunately not. I believe all four dates of his December Funkhaus shows were recorded, lets hope the result arrives quickly! Anyone else feel this way?
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