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Old 01-20-2019, 02:32 PM   #22720 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
Watched Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens again for the second time in years so that I could catch up and watch Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi for the first time ever!
Made it 1 hour into Episode 8 and my TV died.

Impressions so far:

SW7 - Nothing special. Just another fairly bland JJ Abrams film. Many little things that make the movie weaker than it could have been. But I didn't hate it. Has it's moments.

SW8 - Surprisingly much better for the single hour I watched. The director behind this one is clearly much more of an actual film maker with an eye for cinema. The story works quite well most of the way, but there's still a feeling that there's no way this is gonna strike me as a classic, even when I get around to actually watching the rest of it.
Like a lot of modern big budget CGI sfx movies, the script just isn't quite there.

Any movies I watch until I get a new TV will have to be on my old laptop, since that one has a disc drive.
Watch Rogue One.
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