Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg
I'd like to think the Western world is at least somewhat cognizant of what fascism is and what it means that no matter how bad it gets there is still a fascist glass ceiling where the public will eventually go, "Whoa whoa whoa this is actually starting to sound like some Hitler **** let's take a step back", so there's only so far this can go. At least I'd like to think so. But then I thought Trump could never get elected.
I guess I don't have that same positive attitude. I think well meaning people are easily led astray by scare mongering and easy answers to complex problems.
It's not like I've got some numbers to back up my pessimism. But it seems to me that Nationalism and fascism is seductive as hell and that "common folk" don't know better than to follow their whims. It's like there's all these progressive advances happening, but also a feeling that a lot of people aren't really on board and want to put the foot down and stop things from "going too far".
I don't know... The weirdos on the internet probably make things seem worse than they are, but I also don't think we should forget how easily Trump seduces people with basically a bunch of loud mouth nonsense.